“Relax, we’ve got you covered!”

kjs accounting
and taxation services
Mob: 0405 747 667
Ph: 02 9522 5588
Fax: 02 9522 3182
PO Box 565 Sylvania Southgate NSW 2224
61 Bellingara Road Sylvania NSW 2224
About Us

KJS Accounting and Taxation Services are committed to excellence and success. We want to see our client's succeed. We will provide your business with support; ideas and personal development that will help your business grow.

Our Mission

KJS Accounting and Taxation Services strive to provide customer satisfaction with professionalism, specialised knowledge and a vision for future development.

Our Purpose

To work with you, understand your needs and provide the services that you need from your accountant.

Khaled Jammal
Khaled Jammal

Khaled is a fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants (FIPA), a fellow of The Tax Institute and has the status of Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA), a member of the National Tax & Accountants Association (NTAA), a Registered Tax Agent. Khaled also holds a My Public Accountant Professional Practice Certificate with IPA, recently completed a Diploma in Financial services and is a Justice of the Peace.

Khaled has over 30 years experience in taxation and accounting, including 14 years as a partner in a medium size public practice in the Sutherland Shire and 12 years as an Assessor, Small Business and Large Case Auditor with the Australian Taxation Office.

Integrity & Trust

When our firm commenced, we believed that integrity and trust were key elements to our future success by providing the best practices possible. We were right! Today we still believe in these values, from which all clients benefit. These philosophies have made our firm leaders in the area of accounting, taxation and business. Since our formation we have helped manage the financial affairs of the private client together with their family or business interests.

“Hands - On" Personal Relationship

Using the latest IT software, we accommodate efficient and expert handling of our client’s taxation obligations. Our “hands-on” personal relationship that we develop with our clients enables us to anticipate and meet their needs and provide the required comprehensive professional service.
Services: Business Advisory/ Management Consulting | Taxation Services | Superannuation Services | Establishing Your New Business | Tax Planning Advice | Tax Audits | Business Financial Statements | Company Secretarial services | Self Managed Superannuation Fund | DIY Superannuation Administration & Auditing |
KJS ACCOUNTING AND TAXATION SERVICES © 2011-2017 | Web designers By Spark Interact
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